- 最高學歷:中正大學財務金融學研究所博士
- 專長領域:財務理論 :資本資產定價、購買力平價等模型之檢驗投資學: 庫藏股、分析師盈餘預測金融機構: 金融機構與經濟成長之關係
- 聯絡電話:22368225ext.63930
- 研究室:M501
- 授課科目: 財務管理(企管二甲)、衍生性金融商品(企管三甲)、金融市場(企管(進)二甲)、金融市場與投資研討(企管碩士專班)
- Office Hour:週二12:00-13:00、週四12:00-13:00、週五17:00-19:00
- E-mail:csy@mail.shu.edu.tw
- 學歷
- 經歷
- 研究成果與專業表現
[01]Cheng, S.-Y., J.-S. Wei, Han Hou*, 2008, A Cointegration Analysis on Purchasing Power Parity and Country Risk. International Journal of Business and Economics 7(3), 199-201. (Econlit, Cabell’s directory)[02] Ho, Chia-Cheng , Su-Yin Cheng, and Walayet A. Khan, 2009, “Insiders’ Trading around Open Market Share Repurchases: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market,” Journal of Emerging Market 14 (1), 38-51. (Econlit).[03]Ho, C.-C., S.-Y. Cheng, and Han Hou*, 2009, Purchasing power parity and country characteristics: evidence from time series analysis. Economics Bulletin 29, 445-457. (Econlit).[04]Huang, B.-N., S.-Y. Cheng, Han Hou*, and C.-S. Wang, 2009, An Investigation on the Dynamic Systematic Risk of Taiwan Stock Market,Taipei Economy Inquiry 45, issue 2, 238-272(中文撰寫,TSSCI).
[05]Hou Han, and S.-Y. Cheng*, 2010, The Roles of Stock Market in the Finance-Growth Nexus: Time Series Coinegration and Causality Evidence from Taiwan. Applied Financial Economics 20, June, 975-981. (FLI, Econlit; 國科會財務學門B+級期刊). [06]Wu, J.-L.*, Han Hou, and S.-Y. Cheng, 2010, The Dynamic Impacts of Financial Institutions on Economic Growth: Evidence from the European Union. Journal of Macroeconomics 32(3), 879-891. (SSCI, Econlit; 國科會經濟學門B級期刊). [07]Wu, J.-L., S.-Y. Cheng, and Han Hou*, 2011, Further Evidence on Purchasing Power Parity and Country Characteristics. International Review of Economics and Finance 20(2), 257-266 (SSCI, FLI, Econlit; 國科會財務學門B+級期刊). [08]Cheng, S.-Y., Han Hou*, C.-C. Ho, and W. Joakim, 2011, Financial Systems and Mechanisms of Growth in Different Conditions of Country Risk. Applied Economics Letters 18(11), 1021-1028. (SSCI, Econlit). [09].Su-Yin Cheng*, 2012, “Substitution or complementary effects between banking and stock markets: Evidence from financial openness in Taiwan,” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 22, 508-520. (SSCI, Econlit; 國科會財務學門A-級期刊) [10]Cheng, S.-Y., and Han Hou*, 2013, The Information Content of Open-Market Repurchase Announcements in Taiwan. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 27, 59-75. (SSCI, FLI, Econlit; 國科會財務學門A-級期刊) [11]Cheng, S.-Y., C.-C. Ho and Han Hou*, 2014, The Finance-Growth Relationship and the Level of Country Development. Journal of Financial Services Research (SSCI, FLI, Econlit; 國科會財務學門A-Tier2級期刊) [12] Cheng, S.Y., and Han Hou* (2016, May). Do Firms Announcing Cash Refund Capital Reductions have Investment Value? International Research Journal of Applied Finance Vol.7, issue 5, p.38-p.52. (Econlit, JEL). [13]Tseng, K. A., S.Y. Cheng, and Han Hou* (2017) The Dynamic Impact of Global Determinants on Life-insurance: Evidence from European Union. International Research Journal of Applied Finance Vol.8, issue 7, p.396-407. (Econlit, JEL). [14]Hou, Han* and S. Y. Cheng, (2017) The Dynamic Effects of Banking, Life Insurance, and Stock Markets on Economic Growth. Japan and the World Economy [科技部經濟學門 B級期刊], Vol 41, p.87-98. (SSCI). [15]Cheng, S.Y., and Han Hou* (2017) Institutional Investors and the Credibility of Open Market Repurchase in Taiwan. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol 46, p.168-188. (SSCI). [16] Cheng, S.Y., and Han Hou* (2020) Do non-intermediation services tell us more in the finance–growth nexus?: causality evidence from eight OECD countries, Applied Economics, VOI52, p756-768 (SSCI) *corresponding author |
- 產學合作計劃
[1] 大額小額投資人是否可以分辨分析師之盈餘預測品質
計畫執行期間: 99/8/1~100/7/31,主持人
[2] 證券商之利益衝突探討—現金增資案之證據
[3] 外資與本國券商盈餘預測之比較
計畫執行期間: 101/08/01~102/07/31,主持人
[4] 散戶持股與價格動能策略
計畫執行期間: 102/08/01~103/07/31,主持人
[5] 庫藏股宣告資訊對買回執行率之影響
[6] 庫藏股宣告與機構投資人交易之關聯
[1] 主要經貿國家產業情資通報
計畫執行期間 105/08/01~106/07/31,協同主持人。
[2] 主要經貿國家產業情資通報
計畫執行期間 106/08/01~107/07/31,協同主持人。
[3] 主要經貿國家產業情資通報 107/04/10~107/10/31,主持人。
[4 ]主要經貿國家產業情資通報 108/04/10~108/10/31,主持人
[5]主要經貿國家產業情資通報 109/05/10~108/11/31,主持人
- 專業證照
[1] 期貨商業務員證照(期商業測證字第0163013號)
[2] 人身保險業務員資格測驗合格 (人身保業測(4)字第13785號)
[3] 財產保險業務員專業科目測驗合格 (產保業(產)字第10501058369號)
[4] 金融數位力知識檢定測驗合格 (金測金融數位力字第0101801號)
[5] 商業數據分析師(電教證字第1026297號)
- 校外服務
[1]The European Journal of Finance 、Applied Economics、Applied Financial Economic等期刊論文審稿人
[2]Journal of Finance & Economics 編輯委員